What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a therapy stimulating specific points on the body with fine needles in order to achieve a healing/therapeutic effect. After inserting acupuncture needles at certain points on the body, the needles are retained for 20-25 minutes to stimulate the local and surrounding tissues. Our LED light will keep the area nice and warm while the needles work their magic. Acupuncture treatment consists of multiple methods and techniques: acupuncture (needle insertion), electro-acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping therapy, gua-sha (scraping), and acupressure.
Services we provide
Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years as a natural method of healing and rejuvenating the body the body.
Acupuncture can help with acute and chronic muscular related injuries, headaches and migraines, stress, insomnia, digestive issues such as bloating and IBS, menstruation and fertility issues, weight loss and so much more.
Cosmetic acupuncture can help treat the signs of aging, deep frown lines and crows feet, dark and puffy bags, acne scars and scaring, uplift the overall glow and health of your face.
We provide both ACC par-funded and private sessions (please see below for private session pricing).
Does Acupuncture hurt?
Needles are scary you say? While Acupuncture needles can vary in length depending on which part of the body you are using them on, they always stay nice and thin. The average acupuncture needle is similar thickness to a strand of hair or 0.25mm wide. This is 4 times thinner than a sewing needle (1mm). Our needles are of the highest quality and therefore most people cannot feel them at all.
If this is your first time or you are nervous about the treatment, please let Lucy know. The aim of her treatment is to provide relaxation relief and healing, she will do everything she can to make your session as pain free as possible.
Women's Heath
Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to treat a range of female related issues. We offer services that support both ends of the female reproductive system. From painful and irregular menstruation, PCOS - infertility, morning sickness, induction and preparation for labor and finally menopausal symptoms. Everyone's experience with the female reproductive system is different. Your acupuncturist will discuss your specific situation and create a treatment plan tailored to you. Book in today and start feeling the difference.
Gastrointestinal relted issues
Acupuncture can help with many gastro related issues such as, IBS Constipation, nausea and so much more. There are many factors that can contribute to indigestion or poor digestion. Stress is a common cause of poor digestion or IBS. Stress can “unbalance” our autonomic nervous system which is used to support a healthy digestive system.
Headache and Migraines can really affect your everyday life.
Acupuncture will not only help relieve headaches or migraines, but it can also help to prevent headache pain from occurring in future. Acupuncture increases blood flow in areas that might be ischemic (lacking blood flow) and releases tight muscles which contribute to painful migraines.
Cupping Therapy Cupping therapy is one of the most common techniques of acupuncture, pulling the skin into the cup via warming up air in the cup (negative pressure). Cupping therapy has two types, stationary and mobile; stationary cupping is leaving the cups on the skin for 5-10 minutes, and mobile cupping refers to moving a cup on the skin with cream or oil.
Cupping promotes increased blood circulation and improves local anaerobic metabolism. Cupping also stimulates the skin and activates the neuroendocrine-immune system. These therapeutic effects lead to a faster healing in the local area.
We use different types of cups to suit different areas of the body.
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a therapy stimulating specific points on the body with fine needles in order to achieve a healing/therapeutic effect. After inserting acupuncture needles at certain points on the body, the needles are retained for 20-25 minutes to stimulate the local and surrounding tissues. Our light will keep the area nice and warm while the needles work their magic. Acupuncture treatment consists of multiple methods and techniques: acupuncture (needle insertion), electro-acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping therapy, gua-sha (scraping), and acupressure.
Does Acupuncture hurt?
Needles are scary you say? While Acupuncture needles can vary in length depending on which part of the body you are using them on, they always stay nice and thin. The average acupuncture needle is similar thickness to a strand of hair or 0.25mm wide. This is 4 times thinner than a sewing needle (1mm). Our needles are of the highest quality and therefore most people cannot feel them at all.
If this is your first time or you are nervous about the treatment, please let Lucy know. The aim of her treatment is to provide relaxation relief and healing, she will do everything she can to make your session as pain free as possible.
Private Acupuncture Costings
Bundle sessions - 3x sessions $175.00
Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to treat a range of female related issues.
We offer services that support both ends of the female reproductive system. From painful and irregular menstruation, PCOS - infertility, morning sickness, induction and preparation for labor and finally menopausal symptoms.
Everyone's experience with the female reproductive system is different. Your acupuncturist will discuss your specific situation and create a treatment plan tailored to you.
Book in today and start feeling the difference.
Bundle sessions - 3x sessions $175.00
Acupuncture can help support a healthy happy digestive system. Whether it be a "clouded" nervous system, tight muscles around the gastro tract, acupuncture can help.
If your headaches or migraines have come about as a result of an injury - you may be eligible for a co-funded ACC session.
Private sessions - $70 initial and $65 follow up sessions.
Bundle sessions - 3x sessions $175.00
Give yourself a 30min body boost.
Facial Cupping can help smooth fine line, increase circulation and reduce the signs of aging by awakening your bodies natural collagen production.
Body cupping is great for increasing blood flow to injured or tight muscles. Stationary cupping is used to stimulate targeted areas. Mobile cupping is used to stimulate general areas giving a massage type affect.